Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This Blog has Moved!

Hi there.

If you are here you must be curious about me, my business, or at least something I've written about.

This blog has moved because I have integrated it with my website. 


I started this blog a long time ago - before I even thought of creating another business. In fact, if you would have told me when I started this blog that by 2012 I would be a full-time health coach I would have said you were full of, well, let's just say baloney.

I used to own a business that I hated and I used to swear that I would NEVER own another one. Never say never. Ha! 

I LOVE health coaching. It rocks! I get to help people feel better, look better and have energetic fulfilled lives that they love. Doesn't get better than that.

I hope you check me out at http://health-harvest.com/.

My blog is there. . . with lots of new entries.

Have an amazing day!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Creating Optimal Health

What would our lives be like if we had optimal health? 

What that looks like for each of us is different. For me it is being in a body that strong enough to climb a mountain, healthy enough to stay well year-around and flexible enough to have no problem getting to the back corner of the cupboard under the kitchen sink. 

The research that I’ve done over the fall and winter on optimal health and wellness leads me to believe that it is possible to live in a body that is vibrant, strong, flexible and disease-free; to inhabit it with great joy, a sense of purpose and caring for self and others. And to have this body exist in an environment that is nurturing, enlivening and supportive. I am ready for that.

How to create health is no longer a mystery. The answers are available and easy to implement. So why not go there? 

Why not create Optimal Health? 

Deepak Chopra says that our bodies are a process not a structure. He says that, at the atomic level, our bodies are changing all the time and, after a year, our body has completely regenerated itself.  Our stomachs recycle every five days, our skin replaces itself once a month, and our skeletons renew themselves once every three months. Yes, our entire skeletons. Fascinating! Here is a link to a YouTube video where Deepak explains the concept that We Are Not Our Bodies. 

There is a woman named Dr. Terry Wahls who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2000. Even though she took the latest in medicines and got the best medical care, by 2003 she was wheel-chair-bound and getting worse. She did a lot of research on the brain and disease to try to figure out how to save herself and then healed herself completely be eating vegetables, fruits and certain other foods. Her story is absolutely fascinating and you can see it yourself in this TedX talk called Minding Your Mitochondria

There are certain people in my industry that I consider holistic health rock stars. Dr. Joel Fuhrman is one of them. He released a book last November called Super Immunity, which I highly recommend. In the book, he explains that eating the right nutrient-dense vegetables and fruit can create a level of health where we never catch a cold or flu, and if we do, it lasts a very short time. And, the best part, we can dramatically lower our risk of ending up with all of the major lifestyle diseases including heart disease, sugar diabetes and cancer. 

For me, the common thread in all this information is the insight into how, through smart nutrition and lifestyle choices, we can optimize both our mental and physical health. Literally, over time, we can create a completely different, healthier version of ourselves. 

I will be 49 in February and I’m going to give myself a gift this year that is actually for my 50th birthday:  the gift of my own version of Optimal Health. I am going to spend the next year creating the 2013 model-year of my body. I’m betting it will be stronger, healthier, happier and younger than the 2012 model. 

The best part is, I will be sharing the entire process with you! 

This is a long article. If you are still reading, you are one of the people who really care about your health. I bet some of your friends might even refer to you as a health nut. Good for you! I want you to join me on this journey. Together, we will create a support structure so that we can not only meet our goals, but also exceed our wildest expectations!

The party starts this week! 

Please join me on Tuesday evening, at 6:30 p.m. PST – 9:30 p.m. EST, for a free 30-minute teleseminar called Optimal Winter Wellness. On this call I will offer the best advice I’ve found for staying healthy all winter long. If you already have a cold, that’s an even better reason to join the call, because the tips I’ll be offering will measurably shorten the duration of any cold or flu. 

Sign up here. 

This is only the beginning. 

Over the next year, I will offer a no-cost teleseminar once each month, always on the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. PST - 9:30 p.m. EST, on a different aspect of Optimal Wellness. I will also offer practical tips and ways to integrate the information into your life. 

Soon, I will be sending out the details on how you can join me for the first in a series of programs that have the potential to increase our individual wellness, no matter how healthy we are today, to an optimal level and sustain that level for the rest of our lives. 

Please RSVP for Tuesday evening’s Optimal Winter Wellness teleseminar by filling out the form below. After you RSVP, you will receive an email with the call-in information. 

Sign up here.

If you know other health nuts, or even just regular folk who might convert, you are welcome to share this email with them so they can register, also! 

I look forward to hearing your voice on the call this Tuesday! 

Have a wonderful, healthy day.


Your Optimal Health Coach

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Hard to believe it’s the 7th of January already! I am writing because I want to share with you what I’ve been up to during the time between Christmas and New Years. I spent the time planning my 2012 – and I want to share the exciting news with you! 

The Health Harvest mission, this year, is to use the latest digital technology, web-based communications, group events and individual coaching to empower people, with a focus on entrepreneurs, to create optimal health through simple, effective and sustainable nutrition and lifestyle changes. By offering fun, informative and honest programming Health Harvest will enable more than 10,000 people to create measurable improvements in their overall health in 2012.

Yes, I am going to show 10,000++ people how to create their own Optimal Health!
Here’s how I’m going to reach my goal:
  • Growing Your Health - a monthly 30-minute teleseminar on different aspects of holistic wellness. The first teleseminar is on Tuesday, January 17th at 6:30 p.m. PST and the topic is Optimal Nutrition – nutrition that will keep you well through flu season and beyond
  • A new website! I’m thrilled to say that my new website is in development.  There will be recipes, free information and lots of health-related goodness. So exciting! My fingers are crossed for a February 1st launch. I can't wait to share this new site with you! 
  • As a jumpstart for your health (and a way to kick food cravings and lose a few pounds) I will continue to offer the 7-Day Chinese Herbal Cleanse once each month beginning on the 1st Friday and ending the following Thursday. I will announce a new pricing structure soon that will take effect in February. As you have heard, this detox is a no-suffering, eating-lots-of-food, health-enhancing miracle – and it only takes 7 days. I hope you’ll take advantage of it!
  • Co-author a book entitled Entrepreneur Extraordinaire. I have submitted my chapter, which is on optimal health, and it’s been accepted! The book will be printed and available some time in March.
  • An Optimal Health Group! This group is only for those who are serious about pushing their overall health and wellness through the roof. I will present an informative webinar and facilitate a digital open forum once a month.
  • I will offer this group at no cost for a couple of months to get the bugs worked out and then charge a small monthly fee. Participants will be able to come and go as they please and pay only for the months when they wish to participate.
  • There will be guest speakers, the latest holistic health information, a private Facebook page and lots of FUN!
    If you want to get in on the two free months, let me know and I’ll put you on the list. You’ll get all the details in February and this program will launch in March.
  • I will continue to provide my Premium Six Month Personal Coaching Program. This year, in order to provide the best coaching possible, I’ll only be taking on a small number of private clients. If you are ready to meet or exceed your health and wellness goals and spend the rest of your life feeling great, and you know you will need support to make it happen, please consider me as your health coach. 
  • In early summer I will be offering a webinar series especially for women – Loving your Libido. Yes, I have some fabulous libido-building secrets and I’m going to share them all with you! The info on this series will come your way in April and the six-part webinar series will start in June. You won’t want to miss this one
  • I will continue to speak about health and wellness to groups and organizations. I love speaking and it’s a great way for me to reach a lot of people all at once. Please use me as a resource if you have a group that would benefit from learning simple ways to increase their health. I usually do these at no cost to the organization.
My favorite topics are:
  • Lower Your Stress, Without Changing Your Life
  • Eating for Optimal Immunity
  • Optimal Health for Busy Entrepreneurs
Believe it or not, that’s not all! There are even more exciting happenings in the works and I’ll keep you informed as they jell.
We have an exciting year ahead of us! Let’s get started!

PS - The pic is me this morning at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market picking up some Racho Gordo beans. They are the best! They have a bunch of different heirloom beans. I've tried quite a few and every batch has been fabulous. The beans are so fresh that you don't need to soak them. I usually soak them for 24 hours anyway so they sprout and lose their acidity. Beans are the unsung health food. They are full of micro-nutrients, protein and fiber!